Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas rush!

It's been quite some time since I wrote something, I know, I'm guilty for that. Been pretty busy lately with some changes in my schedule. Today I'm back in my travel mood, travel for Christmas.. "The most wonderful time of the year...) :) it's my favorite holiday so I'm pretty excited, especially cause during these busy weeks all I was waiting for it was this vacation. This time I'm having 2 destinations. First one is Portugal of course with a temperature variation from 16-20 degrees, green grass, nice and wide beaches, with Christmas decorations, roasted chestnuts, malls full of people buying gifts, chourisos, wines, stinky cheeses and bacalhau ( cod fish) and egg cakes. Douglas store is packed with queues to the  outside door, perfumes I think it's the holiday that the business of parfumes is the greatest :), Continent is full of ppl buying pijamas, socks and all kind of things u get as a gift every single year....people are exhausted, and stressed with the gift list, food list, menu for the dinner...Christmas is on... Holidays are here...I just wish people would remember to be more kind and joyfull the whole year, be good for each other and wish the best to the others even when it's not Christmas. I wish some people would remember to ask "how r u" at least a few times per year rather than sending a collective message or even private on Facebook with " Merry Christmas..." and all the fancy words on the Christmas Day or New Year. I'm enjoying so much this weather, these sunsets, more than the rush of buying and driving around all the country to bring gifts. I sort of a feel like Santa Claus here, crazy before the Christmas Day, rushing to deliver as many gifts as possible, but hey, that's what Christmas is about no? I'm relaxed this morning but it's the quite before the "storm", later on... and this is the fun part :) sarmale, salata Olivie, Baba neagra and other good things, my moldovans know what I'm talking about. That part I can't wait. Let's get started the good time and fun! pictures will come along during the process on the Facebook page, let's see what it comes out of this... ;)
Merry Christmas everybody! 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Apel la umanitate! Appeal to Humanity!

Revin din nou cu un apel, o cerere sau un indemn la voi, Voi cei de pe facebook care iubiti animalele, care dati share sau like la animalute dragute in poze, care nu va indiferent ca unele din ele mor de foame sau mor otravite in plina strada pe unde mergem fiecare din noi. Stiu ca exista probleme mult mai serioase in lume la ora actuala decit animalele abandonate dar este si asta o realitate foarte trista care predomina in Moldova si in Romania in special si care nu se va schimba decit daca o sa facem noi ceva. Asa cum v-am mai spus in Moldova sint citeva aziluri, unele ajutate de catre donatori, altele nu... vorbeam despre Azilul AOVA, aflat in oras, linga Universitatea Agrara, unde situatia nu e nici pe departe la ceea ce vedem la Tv prin alte tari, astazi impreuna cu ajutorul la citiva oameni buni, carora le pasa am ajuns acolo...e trist, ei sint foarte tristi si flaminzi bietii caini si pisici se inghesuie unul peste altul poate poate apuca un os. Si totusi au sansa sa traiasca, sa nu fie impuscati sau otraviti sau macelariti prin alte metode.Sint 300 de caini si peste 50 de pisici, care  din cauza ca stapinii azilului nu au suport si ajutor, risca sa ajunga din nou pe strada unde probabil in citeva zile sau saptamini ii veti vedea tavalindu-se in mijlocul strazii in chinuri, doar pentru k sint prea chinuiti si flaminzi sa nu accepte bucata de carne sau paine otravita.Asa cum am spus stapinii nu au suport sa ii intretina si risca sa fie eliberati daca situatia continua la fel. Stiu k e mult mai usor sa vezi pe facebook, sa dai un like sau un share, dar ei au nevoie de ajutor la propriu. Eu propun de la fiecare mincare sa tringeti oasele, congelati-le sau daca fiecare din noi o sa puna cite putin o sa reusim sa ajutam macar putin si sa aducem fericire acestor animalute. Nu e greu... trebuie doar mobilizare si dorinta... Se poate oameni buni, se poate....Vreti sa faceti un bine...acum e momentul... cu ei nu veti da gres ...

Faceti share public poate vede lumea si se indura de ei...

Va Multumesc!

Azil AOVA-
 Galina: 060-525-191
Olga: 069-690-057

I come back with a request or a encouragement to the people that love animals, people that share cute pics with animals on Facebook and people that don't stay indifferent to their suffering. I'm talking about a shelter for dogs and cats in Moldova that has no support or donations from anybody. People that own the place and take care of them cannot face the situation for much longer as they have 300 dogs and 50 cats to feed and take care of. Poor animals risk to get back on the streets where they will be either poisoned or shot in the middle of the street, because this is the country we live in and the people we have. We went there today...they are so sad and so hungry and still with so much love for people...If you wanna do good things with this loving animals you won't be mistaken, they can give so much love and affection in return that i think no human can. I ask you all if you can help with anything even if it seems too little, every little counts for them...take a look on their page and share please, maybe good people with good hearts will see and help, cause every single of them deserve a better life!

Thank you!

AOVA ( Chisinau, Moldova)
Galina: +37360525191
Olga: +37369690057

Friday, October 16, 2015

Travel with me


Good morning my friends! 

As always I'm gonna take you with me into my new journey! It's a very exciting destination for me this time and I'm sure I would have a great time with beautiful people and amazing skylines. 
Where am I heading to? You will see! I'm sure I'll be able to share with you great pictures as always! 
See you soon! 

Xo xo! 


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Golden of October!

There has been already a few days since I really feel that outside smells like real autumn! Trees are all covered in golden/ orange colors, side walks as well and have the smell of October. Some of the houses start to have the wooden smoke coming out in the cold nights and everything brings alive the spirit of autumn. A bit more dark at early hour, everything seems to move just a bit more slow and we start to feel a bit more sad. Now it's the time when it starts the summer nostalgia but the excitement of winter, Christmas, white.
It's such a stunning season though, the colors, the tastes, the beauty...It's the time to think about the hot chocolate or tea with warm oven baked cookies, about pumpkin pies, about making the change in our wardrobe from t-shirts and shorts to gloves and warm and fluffy boots. It's about the time when we start making plans for Christmas.
Enjoy the colors, the smell of the fallen leaves, the beauty of the landscape and cherish every moment embracing the beauty and taking the best of each second!

Happy Autumn everybody!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Come fly with me... Let's fly, let's fly away...

Good morning sunshine people! 

When it comes traveling I'm the first one in line to go, as much as I dislike packing that much I get excited for the new travel plan. 
Today i feel like a kid given candies :D I'm flying home and of course as always I'm extremely happy, different happy than with other trips.
I will not give you the speech with "my beloved country" cause it's not the case but I go back to the best people ever, people that will always be happy to see me and have me there, people with whom I can have conversations of entire nights and never end, share the best moments and laughter, play with my kitty...and that makes it the best for me and the reason of my happiness.
And all the goodies I'm gonna eat... 😄😄 OMG!! 
I will keep you posted with more detail from there! Stay tuned! 


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Travel to Acores!

Hello Ladies and Gentleman!

I'm back home in my cold and rainy island but  as i promised, i come around to tell you more about my trip to Beautiful Acores, Sao Miguel island, the island where the Sun kisses you with love and warmth every morning!

What a beautiful place to start a day. Before anything else that can surprise you, the views that this small island have, will dazzle you. The colors, the nature, the peace and quiet, the fresh air ..are magical.
It's like you enter in another world where everything is nice and peaceful and where the nature seems like it wasn't touched by humanity.
The contrast of the green grass, violet hydrangea, blue ocean and shiny sun its just stunning. It gets a hint of Hawaii this Island and yet with its own beauty.  The island is small but each corner you turn you get another view point that it's worth stopping and taking pictures and another one... Me personally i stayed with my camera on and outside of the window all the way we drove around. You just cant stop looking around and saying: "Wow!!! beautiful".
Since its a volcanic island you get a lot of beaches with black sand and rocky black costs but the beauty of it, are definitely the thermal pools that are all over the island. You have pools with hot water of 38 degrees( what a paradise), natural warm waterfalls in the middle of the nature where you can enjoy a relaxing bath, and dry up in the light of the warm sun, smell of flowers and songs of the birds.
Lots of lagoons and lakes with an amazing water of a blue green that just leave you speechless. And all the flowers around...oh my... i was now in September but i bet if you go in June or May you will be stunned.
You can also visit the pineapple plantation, where by the way they have a home made pineapple ice cream, yum yum...and also the Tea Plantation with green and black tea to taste.

But less talk..more pictures for you to see. If you ever have the occasion.. it's just a 60 euro Ryanair trip from Lisbon and its definitely worth it.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Back on travel with the red luggage!

Good morning beautiful people! 
I know i've been absent lately , I promise to correct and compensate and I'll start it today! Today my plane flies to Lisbon, but that's not what I'll talk about cause it's not where I'll stay. Destination: middle on nowhere, more said middle of the ocean, on a stunning beautiful island called : Açores. It's a natural beauty that place and I'm really excited cause I've never been there before. If the weather will be great I'm sure I'll have a lot to tell you. Until then sleep well or Good morning! 
Let the adventure begin!
