Saturday, September 26, 2015

Come fly with me... Let's fly, let's fly away...

Good morning sunshine people! 

When it comes traveling I'm the first one in line to go, as much as I dislike packing that much I get excited for the new travel plan. 
Today i feel like a kid given candies :D I'm flying home and of course as always I'm extremely happy, different happy than with other trips.
I will not give you the speech with "my beloved country" cause it's not the case but I go back to the best people ever, people that will always be happy to see me and have me there, people with whom I can have conversations of entire nights and never end, share the best moments and laughter, play with my kitty...and that makes it the best for me and the reason of my happiness.
And all the goodies I'm gonna eat... 😄😄 OMG!! 
I will keep you posted with more detail from there! Stay tuned! 


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Travel to Acores!

Hello Ladies and Gentleman!

I'm back home in my cold and rainy island but  as i promised, i come around to tell you more about my trip to Beautiful Acores, Sao Miguel island, the island where the Sun kisses you with love and warmth every morning!

What a beautiful place to start a day. Before anything else that can surprise you, the views that this small island have, will dazzle you. The colors, the nature, the peace and quiet, the fresh air ..are magical.
It's like you enter in another world where everything is nice and peaceful and where the nature seems like it wasn't touched by humanity.
The contrast of the green grass, violet hydrangea, blue ocean and shiny sun its just stunning. It gets a hint of Hawaii this Island and yet with its own beauty.  The island is small but each corner you turn you get another view point that it's worth stopping and taking pictures and another one... Me personally i stayed with my camera on and outside of the window all the way we drove around. You just cant stop looking around and saying: "Wow!!! beautiful".
Since its a volcanic island you get a lot of beaches with black sand and rocky black costs but the beauty of it, are definitely the thermal pools that are all over the island. You have pools with hot water of 38 degrees( what a paradise), natural warm waterfalls in the middle of the nature where you can enjoy a relaxing bath, and dry up in the light of the warm sun, smell of flowers and songs of the birds.
Lots of lagoons and lakes with an amazing water of a blue green that just leave you speechless. And all the flowers around...oh my... i was now in September but i bet if you go in June or May you will be stunned.
You can also visit the pineapple plantation, where by the way they have a home made pineapple ice cream, yum yum...and also the Tea Plantation with green and black tea to taste.

But less talk..more pictures for you to see. If you ever have the occasion.. it's just a 60 euro Ryanair trip from Lisbon and its definitely worth it.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Back on travel with the red luggage!

Good morning beautiful people! 
I know i've been absent lately , I promise to correct and compensate and I'll start it today! Today my plane flies to Lisbon, but that's not what I'll talk about cause it's not where I'll stay. Destination: middle on nowhere, more said middle of the ocean, on a stunning beautiful island called : Açores. It's a natural beauty that place and I'm really excited cause I've never been there before. If the weather will be great I'm sure I'll have a lot to tell you. Until then sleep well or Good morning! 
Let the adventure begin!
