Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wedding Decor Styles and the Beauty of it

 Hello my dear friends!!!!

I keep on seeing day by day pictures and articles about weddings, about decorations, details, flowers, dresses for weddings and i just can't get tired of seeing more and more and of admiring the work of the creative people that put all that together . It"s an special Beautyyy, with great emotions, it reflects happiness, art, creativity.

No matter what kind of wedding you decide to have it will be magical. There is nothing more beautiful that to put together the perfect scenery of a fairytale event, that will host one of the most important moments of your life.
Vintage, Outdoor, Rustic, Beach, Chic, Victorian, Romantic, it's your choice. You can do it in a  Castle, Palace, in your own garden in the Backyard or in a Barn, retro style or Authentic it will be magical.
I won't talk much, i will let u delight yourself with the amazing pictures.

Beach wedding

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Food can bring us Happiness

Good morning !!!

How are you all feeling this morning? I hope you are having a good one. How does your coffee taste today?Are you spoiling yourself with a nice breakfast?  I hope you do, cause we are what we eat and a good tasty breakfast and a sweet aromatic caramel macchiato or a Brazilian espresso can totally change your whole day and your mood for the day.

If yesterday i spoke about bad food, today i'm gonna speak about good food, about food done the proper way. And delicious food as well as the coffee or even better can turn a bad day into a fabulous one, and can bring Happiness to our stomach, mouth, nose and even eyes.
We get hungry and we know "We want!" something on the minute we see something that looks absolutely delicious, we don't need to taste or smell, our eyes decide for us, leaving all the other senses behind. We delight ourselves through our eyes, feeling already the taste in our mouth before even trying it.

We all know that there is the usual day to day cooking and there are the times that we cross our limits and we go for something new, for something Wow, for something that even us didn't know we could do. Well as i said before, lately i tend to do that more and more. I like to make the usual food to look unusual, to look like a restaurant style food. Most of the time we pay more attention to the taste than to the aspect and as good as it would be, food has to look appetizing as well and that's where the plating takes its role. We all know how to put some parsley or scallions on top or our food as a decoration, or powder sugar on our tarts. But can we do more than that?
Of course we do, we all can and it takes almost the same timing as cutting the greens :) Its just a matter of research, inspiration, patience and willing. You can become a 2 Michelin Stars Chef in your own kitchen. Oh, yes you do!!!
 I might not be one of those, but i will share with you 2 recipes today that you all can do in your regular kitchen, big or tiny and a few tips of plating.  So you can cook delicious food but it's up to you if you want your dish to look like this:

Experience of a Prawn Festival on the Dublin Bay

Hello sunshine people!!!

Most of you have a sunny day today! I do too. :D Yupiii!!!
I'll tell you about my experience that i had this weeekend. So, i heard that there will be a Prawn Festival in Howth, Dublin, outside the city and i thought to myself: "He he...this is my place to be, shrimp, , shrimp, shrimp, seafood, fun, close to the beach, Perfect!!!"  Well turned to be not so perfect at all. First of all was the weather, was sunny but by the time we arrived got kinda cloudy and when the sun goes away here, gets pretty chilly. But of course about that i can't argue with nobody :)
At first we entered a food market that seemed actually pretty nice, yummy stuff, but as we were heading to the Big Festival we decided not to eat anything lo leave space for the Seafood :)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Changes and people

   I caught again one of those rainy/cloudy days that makes me think of other things than i usually do. We are in mid Spring and in the period when the Pink Cherry trees are bloomed in NYC, the alley in Washington DC should be wrapped in the scent of their flowers, when everything starts to feel alive even in big cold stone/glass cities, even Chisinau should be greener and bloomed, ready to take people out of the houses after a long cold winter.
 It is about time when a walk hand in hand with the one you love felt so priceless or a walk in the park with your best friend or sister, admiring the flowers, getting coffee in Starbucks or Tucano Coffee or any other coffee shop felt so good and so natural that seemed it will last forever.
Well, it doesn't, or maybe it does but in another picture, with other parks around, other people, different coffee.

   We live in a world where everything seems possible and easy and in the same time some things seem so hard and so tough to keep. We move, we travel, we change and the rest of the world changes with us. Cities we leave behind, change in our absence, people we knew change, places we used to like, seem not to be the same anymore, people we used to know seem to be so different than before. And you think  " Is it just me or we don't really have that much in common anymore, I wonder if they feel the same or I just became a stranger?"  We change priorities, we change activities, we change circles.
Its the life we live, the one we choose,  that a lot of people have these days...traveling through life at a different pace. The style of life we have it has so much beauty in it but has so many imperfections at the same time. As we travel through life, living the experience of different countries and cultures, people travel through our lives the same. So hard to make friends and keep them. People come into our lives and go away as sudden as they came in. Some of them stay forever, some of them maybe we will cross paths again at some point and we will remember the old times, and some will take their own direction and we will stay just with the memories of " i new him/or her, was a great person".  But some, will always be at a plane ticket distance, ready and happy to see you anytime and get that coffee again, no matter at what end of the world you will be.

Good morning Dublin, New York, Chisinau and the rest of the world.
Go outside, enjoy the sun and the beauty wherever you are. I'll be here keeping you company for that coffee or tea that you wanna have, even if you are in Central Park or Stefan cel Mare and i'm in Phoenix Park or the opposite. We share the same sun. :)
And if you just need somebody to talk about anything, weather, spring or beach plans for the summer, while you enjoy your moment, i'm always here, happy to chat.

Xo Xo!


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sushi mania

Hello boys and girls!

I hope you are having a good day so far and a easy week. I woke up today with the desire of Sushiiii!!! I just love them, I don't know who doesn't. I can always eat sushi, it's the only thing that even when I'm full if somebody says "Sushi" I'm the first one jumping "Me, me, me!!!!" Me with sushi... I feel like Monterey Jack, the rat from the Chip and Dale cartoon , that was going hypnotized when he was smelling"Cheeseeee" :D

 I discovered the sushi a long time ago, and it was love at 1st sight. Ever since I could eat sushi everyday. During these years I've tried to taste sushi almost in each place that I visit, trying to find the Absolutely Best ones.

I must say I found around the world a few places that impressed me to the point of culinary madness.Today i'll mention a few but there are lots more good ones. Best one so far is still:
  1. SUSHIC- from Portugal. This place is nearly to perfection, It's a fusion sushi restaurant that has a Gin Bar and Live Jazz music, What else could you wish for??? I don't know where they get the inspiration but they do a hell of a job. The  Gins are so creative and so well chosen the combinations that you can't say NO to a second one, the music is great, is calm and easy just to make the ambient more perfect and then the Sushi!!!!  Those sushi, those combinations and tastes take you to heaven and back. Everything is so fresh and so inspired. In one single roll you can feel so many different sensations, Crispy on the outside, Rich on the inside and soo Velvety on the top, just Divine!!!  I strongly recommend it cause once you go there you never wanna leave.
Ebi Delight and Hot Fuji

Monday, April 20, 2015

My New York!

Empire State of Mind

   How lucky you are when you find a place to live where you feel like "That's where i belong", a place that makes you happy, that brings you joy and excitement, a place that has an uncountable number of things and things that you could do, places to visit, where you can live years and years and still to be a "new" place with continuously great things to discover, to explore. A place that has that Magic every time you stop for a second to look at its views, the beauty, the panoramas that take your breath away and you never get tired of seeing it even if its hundreds and hundreds of times. But then when you have to leave this place, move somewhere do you deal with it? where do you find that excitement again? How do you convince yourself that it's for the best? Do you get used to the new place? You accept it? You look for something else that would give you the same feelings? or you find a way to go back, even for a little while?
I left my heart in New York and for me that place will always Special, a place with lots of happy memories, a super awesome place where i'll always return with joy. A place of my own, a place where i will always feel like The place where i belong.

Good Morning!

 Have Happy Day wherever you are!

Brooklyn  Bridge
Golden New York City

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Be a bride, be a princess!!!

   Morning girls!!!

  I say girls cause today we will talk "Girls Stuff" :) Guys you are welcome as well, you could learn things about "our things" and give some opinions too, why not? We don't absolutely promise to listen to it but we will definitely consider it. :)
I was listening to Michael Buble last night with this song, "To be loved" and i remembered the amazing Bridal Show of Pronovias in Barcelona of this year that had this song for the presentation.

  I've been running over the Bridal websites and visited salons for quite a while and i must say...i am impressed in a good and bad way. Some dresses are amazing and some...are a nightmare. These years some of the designers took their job really to another turn on the bridal design.  Lace, multi-textured trains, chic embroidery, flurry, silhouette, nude tones,sexy open-back designs, elegant, playful, vintage style, fabulous, sophisticated, glamorous.
There are a looot of dresses, there really are on everyone's taste. All you have to do it pick, what do you wanna be on your wedding day? You wanna be a princes, a queen?  You can be anything you want, you will look gorgeous anyway.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Orange recovery!!

Hey hey hey!!!
I'm back again after a close to 24 hours plane and road trip. I'm almost starting getting used to this 24 hours trips that seem forever, but they still get me to a point where i feel like a kid that doesn't have patience just to sit on the chair anymore, don't wanna sleep, don't wanna read, don't wanna write, don't wanna watch movies anymore, don't have patience for anything. Having plane food (if they give) machine cappuccino and the wait can be so hard, but we all know that as painful as it can be the excitement of the destination we reach and the things that we see until we get there brings us a satisfaction that beats the feeling of tiredness, wait and impatience.


 So today, on top of a 9 hour bus trip, 5 hours wait, i sit in the plane and somebody right before taking off starts eating an orange. "Jesuus!!!" that aromatic perfume spread all over the plane made me almost drool for an orange. I've been Cravingggg!!!! for one for about 4 hours...i could already feel the juiciness of a sweet orange in my mouth pinching all my taste buds.
So what you think? With the luggage in 1 hand and 10 kilos backpack in my back my 1st stop was not home, was at the store downstairs where i got a bag of oranges. Of course i prefer the Portuguese oranges from the garden  but since we don't have them here, i picked some of the best they had in the store.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Happy Easter good people!

Today's post is gonna be a bit different than the usual themes. Today i wanna congratulate all the people that celebrated Easter by the Orthodox calendar yesterday and are still celebrating today . It's been 3 years since i haven't been home for this holiday. I kinda missed the whole process of preparing for this holiday with lots of food, traditions, gardening around the house meeting everybody that i didn't see in long time, going to the church to get the blessing on the food after weeks of feasting, family together. Its a beautiful holiday where people become better, you find more harmony between each other, peace in the souls and hearts, we stay in peace with each other, we clean our spirits ready to start a new way for the next year.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Weddings and weather!

Hello again beautiful people!

Today i come out later a bit. i hope you all had a great Easter Sunday and for those who didn't celebrate it yet, just a few more days till the big day of EATING and celebrating.
Today i will talk to you about weather and weddings. I live in a country now where weather is not normal. It's a schizophrenic weather as a friend is saying, or you can call it a joke, cause literally one minute is raining, the next one is snowing and in a half a minute its a sun like in July.
Not funny!!! Well might not be funny for us but in days like this i think a lot about brides, especially in weekends.Who doesn't want a perfect wedding outside, with perfect photo-shooting. We all think about the wedding day as the most special day of our lives, when every single detail has to be perfect. We need a fairytale, where we are the princesses and where nothing can go wrong. And we all know that weddings outside can be absolutely magical but when the only thing that you can't control happens, then what do we do? How do you deal with it? How you prevent the wet wedding dress, muddy shoes, running mascara, spoiled hairstyle?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Love and food!

Hello people !

What inspires you day by day? What gives you real pleasure when doing it?

Me, i think i have too many things that do that for me, one of them is food. And it's not Just food, it's new food, try new cuisines, fancy plating in a manner to make me fall in that can make me fly away in my mind to Italy, Thailand, Portugal, France, Vietnam or Seychelles...where amazing food, warm beach or stunning city and the perfect person next to you can write history and a love story